Gather around
gather around
gather around ~
and dance
to the right to the left
live nothing to chance~~
to the sound of the bit
will take you in a trance
gather around and dance
leave nothing to chance
The wish well
has a sign
One hundred years and still stands
Touched by many many ands,
If words could come out of this well
“Ho my! my! the story it could tell“.
Seeds are thrown for gifts to spawn
The bear’s hopes the dreams their own
Wishes are made for someone’s heart
So they toss them like a dart .
No matter what coin in is thrown,
Pennies nickels dimes or quarter
In their hands above their heads
They toss them in To the side of the walls
Rolling down~ and down~ you here them go~~
making a sound of music notes
as they roll down below.
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how did you get here ?
by the way of her rear
but! no here! ho dear!
come excuse me my dear!
but! no you dear,
ho here my darling
is he a queer ?
ho mama mia!!